Hi, Fred, Here are my fixes for running your mknlist, nsort, and call under NeXTStep. The primary problem is that NeXTStep has a funky version of mmap() in that you have to use the Mach vm_allocate() routine to allocate memory before call mmap(). Also, there is no munmap(), so I just use the Mach vm_deallocate(). This all works well except in nsort where I had to add an #ifdef section to write the sorted file back out to disk. I tested my changes on both an M68xxx NeXT and an Intel box running NeXTStep. It works under both NeXTStep 3.0 and 3.2. I expect it will work under any version of NeXT. I also wanted to give you fat binaries of the executables that would run under both M68K's and Intel machines, but none of the NeXT's I currently have have the multiple architecture support loaded. So, the best I can do at this point is generate two sets of executables. So, feel free to use, or not to use, this stuff as you see fit. If you would like to make some changes, let me know and I'll give it a shot. 73, Benjy, AC4XO benjy@benjy.cc.vt.edu